2000 DAYS

Whenever I take my android in my hands, I try to make a screenshot of my lockscreen, capturing an unique moment in space and time, which is reflected in its underlying datasets. Two videos each combine 11.087 screenshots of the lockscreens of 2000 days. One is chronologically arranged from the first screenshot taken on the 03rd of May 2019 at 13:13:49 till the one taken 2000 days later, on the 22nd of October 2024 at 17:17:39. The second video, both to be shown on vertical tv-screens, shows all screenshots arranged in a 24 hour format.


Screenshot_20210227-190024 - After Sieverding, Transformation 1973-74, Screenshot_20210227-190933 - After Rosenbach, Reflektionen über die Geburt der Venus, 1978, Screenshot_20210227-191205 - After Ruff, Portrait (Petra Lappat), 1987, Screenshot_20210227-191632 - After Geccelli, Turner in der Halle, 1949 taken from the catalogue »Sammlung Kunsthaus NRW. Kunst in den Rheinlanden und Westfalen 1912–2000«