Projectmanager & Fundraising 2013 - 2019
The partners of VERY CONTEMPORARY relate to each other through the language of contemporary art. The border region of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany is their training ground. VERY CONTEMPORARY is a tri-national, cross-border network that organizes itself to learn from each other by exchanging knowledge. Within its dynamic infrastructure tools and projects are developed to connect audiences and link art to other domains including science, technology and ecology. VERY CONTEMPORARY contributes to the development of the Meuse-Rhine Euregion as an international centre of expertise in the field of contemporary art.
Since 2012 the following art venues are or have been part of VERY CONTEMPORARY:
BE - Art au Centre, CIAP, Espace 251 Nord, IKOB, La Boverie, La Châtaigneraie, SPACE Collection. Z33
NL - Bonnefantenmuseum, Bureau Europa, Greylight Projects, Marres, Museum Het Domijnen, SCHUNCK*, Van Eyck
DE - Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren, Ludwig Forum Aachen, NAK
Hereby a small overview over all actions that took place from 2013 till 2019:

Find the pictures and videos of the 8 Contemporary-Art-Bustours under:
Take a look inside the 13 booklets that were published twice a year at the following link.:
New York Times, NYC - Discovering Art in and Around Maastricht, by Nina Siegal - 06.03.2018
Graphic Design: Niek Kosten
Fotos: Kristof Vrancken
For my Master Management von Kultur- und Non-Profit-Organisationen at the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau I wrote a term paper, in German, about “Grenzüberschreitende Kulturentwicklungsplanung am Beispiel des Very Contemporary-Netzwerks” including an analysis of challenges and recommendations for sustainable trinational cooperation. Find the pdf here.